14.05.2024: Bi-Weekly Update

4 min readMay 14, 2024


The Revuto team continues to get ready for the big developments that are coming to the project in the coming weeks and months.

Here you can read about our regular bi-weekly development activities:

Custodial Wallet

  • Established connection with new custodial wallet backend
  • Defined and prepared the dataset of coins required for custodial wallet
  • The release of v1 will be soon!

Live Releases (3.3.10 — android)

  • Completely with Altwin version integration. Published a new Android version on the store to test Altwin visibility with stores. No more Altwin downtime!
  • Android: Push notifications are requested from the user on Android when coming to the home screen for the first time. Now push notifications on Android are live in version 3.3.10.

Revuto v4 — cards & subscriptions

  • The process of adding payment source cards to the Revuto app is now working. Users can add payment source cards and retrieve them via linkcy.
  • Creating UI on the subscription screen from where user can create new cards
  • Changing the Model for card_show_topup based on backend changes and integration within the code
  • Showing to the user card that is used for subscription when he decides to approve
  • Changing topup_token_id from integer to string and refactoring code wherever topup_token_id is used
  • Card id i topup_token_id adjusting datatype to backend and testing

User behaviour analytics

  • Started integrating analytics to track user navigation throughout the app to improve app flows
  • The main reason behind this is to have a better UX long-term.
  • The plan is to track events and click inside the main navigation, this will be completely anonymously

Revuto PRO:

  • Google Play BillingClientWrapper implementation to and processing payments is now working on Android, now the process of connecting with the backend is in progress.
  • The local database version has been updated
  • Added local VAT message for all plans in REVUTO PRO plan picker, all prices shown will be fixed but VAT is applied according to your country.
  • Added a new style to support the design guideline and tested on multiple pro plans and regions.
  • PlanPickFragment changes:
  • Launch Billing Flow in PlanPickFragment on upgrade click
  • Fetch and map Google Play subscriptions with our plans and show UI
  • Open PlanPickFragment on the upgrade button and click from SettingsFragment
  • Enabling Revuto Pro UI in account settings with the possibility to choose between multiple plans
  • Implementing StoreKit for subscription purposes in development, now we’re integrating with the backend
  • Configuration on showing current plan in settings

Revuto PRO user journey

Researched and wrote a detailed summary of what needs to be done to sync Revuto pro purchases over iOS & Android and the backend.
The goal here was to make this as seamless as possible.
Purchasing the PRO plan will have multiple fallbacks with the local database on users’s devices to make the payment process 100% available all the time.

We’re working on integrating this flow as we are writing this.


  • iOS — Tested the force app update feature with Siren
  • Fixing UI bug in Wallet settings where on smaller devices the screen would be out of borders but still usable
  • iOS and Android detailed comparison after a long development block to ensure we have identical user flows and features. Fixed differences and tested.
  • AwEarn screen refactoring #2
  • Handle clicks and UI login inside a view model
  • Replace multiple-state LiveData objects with a single state this resulted in a visible app increase in usability, will be deployed with v4
  • Navigation refactoring
  • Remove unused destinations and screens
  • Rename navigation graphs with the suffix nav graph
  • Make navigation destinations cleaner and less complex
  • Make nested graphs for destinations that are suitable to move into a two-nested graph
  • main_navgraph.xml refactoring improved and better for long-term stability
  • Implement Altwin Manager to add versions for the verification layer

In case you missed:

📣25.04.2024: Bi-Weekly Update — Read now

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Control your subscriptions with Revuto! Visit our web: https://revuto.com/ for more info 🚀