1826 Unique Revuto NFTs for our Early Backers T1 Investors are Here!

4 min readJul 26, 2021


Just over a month ago we revealed that in addition to building the only active subscription management platform, Revuto was creating an NFT marketplace. Following intensive efforts in the engine room, we are delighted to further announce that from today, Early Backers Tier 1 (EBT1) investors can claim their very own non-fungible tokens (NFTs) which are integrated into the Revuto mobile app.

Get ’Em While They’re Hot

Our brand-new NFT platform is a true labor of love, and we appreciate just how much our followers have been looking forward to getting their hands on some freshly-minted tokens. With this in mind, we want to clarify exactly what you need to do.

Before any NFT trading can commence in earnest, EBT1 investors need to first claim their tokens. After logging in with credentials from the TS platform, they will have a limited time to claim, with the process conducted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Needless to say, it’s in investors’ interest to claim early to enjoy a wider selection. No two NFTs are identical, after all.

If NFTs aren’t seized within the stipulated 20-day timeframe, users will have to take their chances on receiving a token that meets their approval — the allocation process will be random. Either way, once NFTs are deposited in wallets, there is no return. Of course, soon users will be free to do whatever they wish with their cherished tokens…

Initially, claimed NFTs will be dispatched to investors’ crypto wallets within the Revuto app; beauty isn’t the only thing that’s in the eyes of the beholder: our NFTs are too, since only the owner can view them. After a while though, all NFTs will be visible to everyone and we expect plenty of envious glances to be cast in the direction of those holding coveted tokens.

At this point, EBT1 investors can freely trade their shiny new NFTs with fellow Early Backers investors with the launch of the NFT trading platform. In fact, they can swap NFTs and REVU tokens for an especially sought-after NFT. This is when our budding NFT project will really build up a head of steam.

Why Revuto is Integrating NFTs

The NFT market is still evolving, and we’re of the mind that Revuto ought to be expediting that evolution via innovative use-cases and sustainable value generation. With today’s launch of our NFT platform we’re taking a bold step forward and committing to rewarding our investors with assets that have genuine market value. Not only that, but we’re levelling up the Revuto application so that users can get more out of it.

Now, for the first time, there is a single service within which one can deposit crypto, earn yield from staking and micro-lending, manage and cover regular subscriptions (no more paying for subs you don’t use!), pocket cashback and referral rewards, and compile and trade NFTs. There aren’t too many crypto-powered apps that offer such versatility. And we’re just getting started.

Ultimately, the Revuto mission is to put our community’s interests first and reward users for their continued support. It’s about blocking out the hype and building something that lasts. It’s about turning Revuto into one of the best-known projects in crypto, not through gimmicky marketing or gaudy giveaways but via real-world utility and superior UX.

In September, when the Revuto NFTs start cascading into EBT1 investors’ wallets, we’ll busily sift through the feedback and feed your responses into our development of the trading platform. If the nascent NFT market has taught us anything, it’s that our appetite for high-quality non-fungible tokens is insatiable. The next few weeks should be a lot of fun.

✅ Claim Your NFT Now — https://crypto.revuto.com/nft

In case you missed:

📣 Previous Medium article — “Why Now?” — The Compelling Case for Revuto

✂️ How to easily cancel subscription service — Canva

✌️ Interview with our co-founder Vedran — Read more

❓ Cryptotech x Revuto AMA — Read the recap

🙋‍♀️ Meet the faces behind the screen — See our video

💰 Our old Referral Program — Enjoy a little more!

📲 Initial app release — See the App V1 video

🚀 NFT landing page — See our video

🎥 Our co-founder Jos on Cardano360 — Tune in at 38:20

🎂 Our Token Generation Event (TGE) aka REVU Token birthday — See the event

☄️ Registered REVU investors by countries — See all countries

🎙 Cardano live podcast with our co-founder Jos — Listen to the podcast

🧗‍♀️ Our first teambuilding — See our TB video

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Control your subscriptions with Revuto! Visit our web: https://revuto.com/ for more info 🚀